What is tinplate? Can it be used as a PVC USB Flash Disk Drive box?

What is tinplate? Can it be used as a PVC USB Flash Disk Drive box?

Tinplate is an iron sheet wrapped in tin. Because of the stability of tin, tinplate can be used in a variety of packaging. Because of its metal texture, fashion, safety and convenience, more and more people choose tinplate packagi

What are the material of the table mat? What material is good for the table mat

What are the material of the table mat? What material is good for the table mat

What are the table mat materials? What material is good for the table mat? The table mat is mainly used to protect the table. If you encounter something very hot, the table mat can protect the table top. However, there are many ki

custom metal badges of Jian are popular around the word

custom metal badges of Jian are popular around the word

Jian has been a professional manufacturer of customized metal, embroidery and soft PVC logos in Taiwan for more than 35 years and many of its products are conservatively praised worldwide. The custom metal badges can be said to be

Advantages of Soft PVC Products

Advantages of Soft PVC Products

Soft PVC technology is closely related to our lives, and many products in our lives are inseparable from this technology. Soft PVC products have strong weather resistance and are not easy to fade, so soft PVC products can provide

Origin of Pewter Pin Badges

Origin of Pewter Pin Badges

Tin utensils and tin crafts are a kind of traditional products with a long history. Because of the noble, elegant, soft texture and bright brilliance they have always been cherished and collected by the upper and middle societies



硬質エナメルピンは長期間耐久性があり、非常に高品質の外観を備えています。 クラフトは、ジュエリー、花瓶、および他の装飾品を製造するために使用される多段階のエナメルプロセスである。 ハードエナメルの場合は、メッキの前にエナメルを加えます。 エナメル粉末を添加し、次いで金属ダイラインと同じレベルまで平坦に石磨きする。それぞれの色はオーブンで一つずつ焼き付けられなければならず、工程とコストが増加する。 すべての色が追加され


あなたが望む任意の図形。 我々はすべての製品を最初から製造しているので、あらゆる形状やサイズ、デザインにすることができます。


プロモーション&ギフトアイテムの専門メーカー&卸売として。 当社の製品には、ラペルピン、バッジ、カフスボタン、メダル、タイクリップ、キーホルダー、ミリタリーコイン、刺繍パッチ、ストラップなどが含まれており、ソフトPVCキーチェーン、マグネット、スズボタンバッジ、ボトルオープナーなどがあります。